Wednesday 24 August 2016

8 Ways to Use Abacasys Remote DBA Services

24x7 Coverage
Get around the clock coverage & support needed to ensure serious issues are addressed efficiently & appropriately. Either you need off-hours coverage or support during vacation days, holidays and sick days, Abacasys is there. You will not worry about DBA absences, nights or weekends affecting your performance.
Full DBA Support
Abacasys Meet 100% of your database administration needs. We become your team & expect complete duty regarding the usefulness, security, execution, accessibility and change of your database surroundings. You get the expertise, availability and best practices of over 100 DBA experts for less than a single, in-house resource.

Supplemental DBA Support
Build up your existing team & produce high-level support when & how you need it. We help you fill gaps in skill sets, refine team productivity & handle increasing workloads without a headache or cost of hiring additional in-house resources. Enlarge the capacity and power of your team with the help of Abacasys.
Proactive Monitoring
Secure real-time monitoring & ready warnings for your mission critical situation.  Our Database Operations Center (DOC) is staffed with master experts committed to ensuring the availability & performance of your environment. We will tell you quickly when basic occasions or issues happen. Proactive monitoring is standard with DBA support or available on its own.
Off-Hours Support
 Leverage high level, off-hours support for your database environment. Abacasys help you meet 24x7 business demands, improve team productivity & produce complete of your environment without offshoring or burning out your DBAs. Give your team time to relax by letting Abacasys work late shifts.

 Auditing and Protection
Secure your most important & sensitive data from external threats & malicious insiders by being alerted to attacks in real time & closing sessions that break predefined security policies.

Multi-Platform Support
Get high-level support and expertise for different platforms. Since most DBAs are only well-versed in one database technology, those working with many platforms are particularly vulnerable to mistakes. Abacasys helps you ensure that all platforms are handled expertly.          
Database Optimization
Optimize the security, performance & availability of your database environment. Poorly performing, unorganized environments affect your ability to meet business requests and keep availability. Abacasys helps you clean up and optimize your work space so you can meet growing business needs and influence all database elements & functionality & efficiently.

Sunday 7 August 2016

How to get back deleted or updated records from a table?

It’s a normal day as always when I receive a call from one of my clients in panic, he deleted computer data of his last month of work had been erased by mistake. He had tried everything he knows but failed to recover his data. As a last option, he called me to know if I had one last idea : How to get back deleted or updated records from the table?

My method was simple:
Step 1. Get the new version of DB-Forensics, able to get back your data.
Step 2. Enjoy your success and export it on an excel file or in another database.